Friday 3 April 2020

New Skills....

Duolingo -
This is an amazing (totally free not just at the moment) app/website that helps you to learn a new language – they have a huge range to choose from including Gaelic!  Rosetta Stone (who also offer a similar service) are currently offering three months free to students (  If you have more than one child that’s fine – just sign up with different email addresses – but if you have to put in payment details don’t forget to cancel after three months). 

Word/Letter musical Islands -
I got this idea from fiveminutemum on Instagram.  I would totally recommend following her on Instagram as she has loads of brilliant ideas (she also has a fab blog and I just got her book).  
Basically you write out letters/words/whatever you like on bits of paper and put them on the floor (we used words).  Play music and when it stops you all have to find an island.  You then have to read the letter/word/whatever on your island or your out.  Once we had read them correctly we picked them up so there were less islands as the game progressed.  You could also do it so that you have to bump down on an island.  It was really good fun (for maybe ten minutes) and got us moving and learning.  I think the fact that I offered a reward (a bit of chocolate brownie) and took part too was key to the success.
We then folded up the words we had used and took turns to hide them round the room and find them/read them.

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